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Dx Connection

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Resource Overview

AWS Direct Connect allows you to connect your internal network to an AWS Direct Connect location via standard Ethernet fiber optic cables. One end of the cable connects to your router, while the other end connects to an AWS Direct Connect router. This connection enables you to create virtual interfaces that bypass the Internet Service Provider for public AWS network paths, providing direct access to services (e.g., Amazon S3) or Amazon VPC. The AWS Direct Connect location offers access to AWS public regions using a single connection or to AWS GovCloud (US) and other public AWS regions.

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Resource Setting Values

  • bandwidth: The bandwidth of the connection - 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 300Mbps, 400Mbps, 500Mbps, 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps, 10Gbps, 100Gbps
  • location: The AWS Direct Connect location where the connection is located

Reference Materials